
A Bangsamoro region of socio-economically stable, resilient and globally competitive farmers and fisherfolk.



To empower farming and fishing communities by ensuring equitable access to quality services and optimum economic benefits.



The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Agrarian Reform and its attached agencies and bureaus in the region, shall play the major role in the promotion of sustainable agri-fishery growth and development, equitable land distribution and tenurial security in the Bangsamoro region.

It shall formulate a policy framework conducive to increase public investments and climate-resilient integrated support services under the direction of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region Government to make land and water resources profitable to ensure food security through appropriate technologies and intensive promotion of Agri-aqua-based enterprises towards the development of farmers and fisherfolk. It shall ensure the availability, adequacy, accessibility and affordability of food supplies at all time in the Bangsamoro.