The Kauran Christian Upland Farmers Agriculture Cooperative (KCUFAC), a proponent Group from the Province of Maguindanao, joined the meeting with the European Union and World Bank Team through PRDP Mindanao Online CAFE held on March 28.

Five Proponent Groups from the Mindanao cluster attended the online knowledge-sharing platform initiated by the PSO Mindanao InfoACE team and I-REAP Component to discuss with the funding partners the status of the projects and the challenges encountered during the implementation.

During the meeting, the KCUFAC gave an update on the project status availed in PRDP, the “Goat Multiplication, Fattening, and Marketing. They also shared the various initiatives of the coop, including the capacity development training as part of the preparation for the subproject implementation.

The funding partners also shared their insights and feedback on the project’s progress. They expressed their continued commitment to supporting the growth of agriculture and fisheries enterprises in achieving sustainable and inclusive economic development in Mindanao.

Overall, the online meeting was a productive and encouraging event, highlighting the topic “Promoting Inclusivity in Mindanao Rural Communities.”